How long does it take?
Lead times vary according to the kind of product manufactured and the quantity.
Standard shipping times are as follows:
US / Canada, West and Central— 3-4 weeks
US and Canada, East Coast— 4-5 weeks
Europe— 5-6 Weeks
Australia— 2-3 Weeks
Central / South America— 4-6 Weeks

Can I come to do the press check?

Do you handle shipping?
We typically provide quotations on the basis of CNF ( producing cost and sea freight to destination port ). If you prefer, however, we can provide the shipment FOB China, or deliver to port for pickup.

What if my shipment is damaged in transit?
All projects are insured for 100% of their value against damage or loss in transit.

Do you offer credit terms?
Typically payment terms are 50% deposit, 50% upon completion. Once we have established a regular working relationship, however, we generally offer credit arrangements for most projects. For larger orders, it is sometimes preferable to divide payments into several steps or employ the use of a letter of credit.

How should I submit my files?
We prefer to receive your art by ftp site which you can upload files online, or you can send CD or DVD as a locked and certified PDF file, along with the original file in native format, image links and fonts, a complete 100% size color dummy and samples of desired color matches or printed versions of your product.

Do you use Child Labor?
All of the production facilities we use are selected for their progressive nature of doing business, including freedom from unethical practices. China labor law specifies a minimum working age of 16, and is enforced much more strictly than portrayed in the media.

What equipments do you have ?

Plate making equipments:
1.Britain CROSFIELD 636 electronic divider and the system of high-terminal internet.
2.Several laser composing machines, such as DOLEV450 made in Israel , and ECRM1545, VRL45 made in America.
3.Whole-page and paste-up work station made in Israel.
4.ESKOFOT280DL copy machine and several THEIMER plate burning machines of Germany.

Printing equipments:
1.Ten HEIDELBERG printers made in Germany.
2.Two LUOLAN RVK-3B four-color plain printers from Germany.
3.Two 18-color high speed Goss wheeling printers made in France.
4.Toshiba 10-color commercial wheel printer from Japan.

Bookbinding equipments:
1.Several K72-A/4KL MBO and K781/4KLL-FD MBO paper folding machine from German that can binding different measurement publication.
2.Three LQD8E saddle binding machines that can binding 21000 books one hour.
3.Two TBB50/3-B glue machines from production line of saddle binding, glue binding and hardback,meanwhile, it equips with first-class equipments too, such as cutting machines, etc.

What can you do with the advanced equipments one day?
Plate making and output 400P
Ganging-up and burning plate 400 suits
Plain print 200000 pieces
Saddle binding 500000 books
Input 250000 words
Print 1800000 pieces of newspaper
Folding 600000 pieces of paper
10000 case bound books